Tennis Elbow: When Your Elbow Says "Enough"

Claire Lloyd

Claire Lloyd

4 min read

Tennis Elbow: When Your Elbow Decides It's Had Enough of Your Tennis Dreams (or Gardening, or Typing... You Get the Idea)

Ah, tennis elbow! The bane of every weekend warrior, enthusiastic gardener, and anyone who has ever tried to live out their inner Serena Williams. But before you swear off all physical activity for fear of your elbow staging a rebellion, let's break down what this condition is, how you can treat it, and why shockwave therapy might just be the game-changer you didn't know you needed.

So, What is Tennis Elbow?

First off, let's clear something up: you don't have to be a tennis player to get tennis elbow. You can be a master of many things - cooking, typing, painting, or even lifting the grocery bags that are way to heavy for one trip and still end up with this annoying condition.

Officially known as lateral epicondylitis (which sounds way fancier than it feels), tennis elbow is a fancy term for a situation where the tendons in your elbow decide to stage a protest. They get inflamed, irritated, and downright mad, usually because of repetitive motions that involve gripping or twisting. Think of it as your elbow throwing a tantrum because you've asked it to do the same thing one too many times.

How is Tennis Elbow is Treated?

Now, onto the million-dollar question: how do you treat it? Well, the good news is that your elbow isn't permanently mad at you - it just needs a little TLC.

Rest Your elbow's favourite word. Resting it gives those cranky tendons a chance to calm down. This might mean taking a break from whatever activity caused the issue in the first place (yes, even if that activity is scrolling through your phone).

Ice, Ice Baby It's like giving your elbow a cool, refreshing drink on a hot day. Although there isn't necessarily any scientific evidence this treatment works it certainly numbs the pain and won't make it any worse. The theory is that it aids the reduction of inflammation. Many of my clients report it's been a great help in their treatments.

Pain Killers Over the counter anti-inflammatory medications can help take the edge off. Just don't rely on these long-term; they're like band-aids for the pain, not a cure. Always check you are ok to take any medication, and seek medical advice if you are unsure.

Physical Therapy A good therapist will show you exercises to strengthen your forearm muscles and improve flexibility. Think of it as training your elbow to stop being such a drama queen. It may sound counter productive to ask an over used muscle to work some more, but building strength, and tolerance is a key move in the recovery process.

Enter Shock Wave Therapy: The Tennis Elbow Whisperer

Now, here's where things interesting. If the usual methods aren't cutting it, and your elbow is still giving you grief, it might be time to consider a treatment that sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie: Shockwave Therapy

No, it's not a therapy that requires you to get struck by lightening (phew!). Shockwave therapy involves using high-energy sound waves to target the affected area. It's like giving your elbow a pep talk, but with sound waves instead of words. These waves stimulate healing by increasing the blood flow and breaking down scar tissue, all while encouraging your body to start repairing itself faster.

Why Shockwave Therapy Should Be Your New BFF

Unlike surgery, shockwave therapy doesn't require any cutting or stitching. You won't even need to take a sick day. Plus, there's no downtime, so you can get back to doing what you love (hopefully with a little less elbow pain).

Shockwave therapy can jump-start the healing process, meaning you'll likely get back to your normal activities sooner rather than later. So, if you're itching to return to your hobbies, this could be your ticket.

Most people experience minimal side effects, like mild discomfort during the procedure. Considering the alternative (long-term pain or surgery), this is a small price to pay.

Don't Let Tennis Elbow Cramp Your Style

Tennis elbow might be a pain in the well, elbow, but it doesn't have to be a life sentence. With a combination of rest, traditional treatments, and the futuristic magic of shockwave therapy, you'll be back to your old self in no time.

So, next time your elbow starts acting up, remind it that you've got options - cool, high tech, shockwave options. And if all else fails, maybe it's time to switch to ping pong! Just kidding....kind of.


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