What is a Mummy MOT? A Friendly Guide for New Mums

Laura Kent

Laura Kent

3 min read

Hey there, super mum! Navigating the world of motherhood is an incredible adventure, filled with moments of joy, challenges, and everything in between. While you're busy taking care of your little one, it’s easy to forget about someone equally important—you! This is where the Mummy MOT comes into play. But what exactly is it, and why should you consider getting one? Let's break it down together.

So, What Exactly is a Mummy MOT?

Think of a Mummy MOT as a post-baby tune-up for your body. Just like your car needs regular check-ups to run smoothly, your body deserves some TLC after the marathon of pregnancy and childbirth. Unlike your usual postnatal check-ups that focus on the baby, a Mummy MOT is all about you, ensuring you’re recovering well and ready to tackle the demands of motherhood.

What's Included in a Mummy MOT?

When you go for a Mummy MOT, you’re in for a thorough check-up with a women’s health specialist. Here’s the scoop on what they’ll look at:

Pelvic Floor Check
Remember those muscles that held everything together during pregnancy? They might need a bit of a boost now. A pelvic floor check helps spot any weaknesses or issues, so you can get back to feeling strong and confident.

Abdominal Muscle Check
Pregnancy can cause your abdominal muscles to separate (fancy term: diastasis recti). This part of the MOT checks how things are healing and gives you exercises to help everything knit back together.

Posture and Alignment
Carrying your baby, breastfeeding, and everyday tasks can mess with your posture. This assessment helps correct any imbalances, so you can avoid aches and pains.

Functional Movement Screening
How are you moving? This screening looks at your daily activities to find any patterns that might lead to trouble down the line. It’s like having a personal trainer for your everyday life.

Customized Exercise Plan
Based on all these checks, you’ll get a personalized exercise plan. Whether it’s gentle stretches or strength training, it’s all about helping you feel your best.

Why Should You Get a Mummy MOT?

Speed Up Your Recovery
Pregnancy and childbirth are no joke. A Mummy MOT helps you bounce back faster by addressing any issues head-on.

Prevent Long-Term Problems
Ignoring postnatal issues can lead to bigger problems later. Getting a Mummy MOT means tackling things early, so you stay healthy in the long run.

Boost Your Mental Health
Feeling good physically can do wonders for your mental health. Less pain and discomfort mean less stress and more enjoyment in your new role as a mum.

Feel Empowered
Knowledge is power. A Mummy MOT gives you the tools and confidence to take charge of your health, making you feel more in control.

When’s the Best Time for a Mummy MOT?
The sweet spot for a Mummy MOT is around six to eight weeks postpartum, but it’s never too late. Whether you’re a new mum or your kids are a bit older, it’s always a good time to focus on you.

Motherhood is a beautiful, demanding journey, and taking care of yourself is key to enjoying it to the fullest. A Mummy MOT is a fantastic way to ensure you’re recovering well and feeling great. Remember, a happy, healthy mum means a happy, healthy family. So, go ahead and book that Mummy MOT—you deserve it!


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