Your Best Posture Is Your Next Posture

Claire Lloyd

Claire Lloyd

4 min read

We've all heard it: "Sit up straight!" "Don't slouch!" "Get your shoulders back!" - the endless list of posture commandments can make you feel like you're training for the posture Olympics. But here's the thing: there's no perfect posture. Yep, you heard that right. Your best posture is your next one. Let me explain.

We weren't designed to be sat still or frozen in the "perfect, ideal" position. We were made to move!

Whether you're working from home in a makeshift office, aka: the kitchen table, slumped on the couch, or powering through emails at a standing desk, the key to good posture is variety. Your body craves and needs change. So, forget trying to master the mythical perfect posture and focus on one thing: keeping your body in motion - Switch it up regularly.

Here are five tips to keep you moving, and feeling better all day long.

1 - Move Every 20-30 Minutes.

Imagine your body is a fidgety toddler who just can't stay still (because it kind of is). Sitting for too long in one position is like asking your muscles to hold a yoga pose for hours - eventually, something's going to start complaining. So, set a timer or use the "new email, new position" rule. Got a meeting? Time to shift those hips. Answered a tough email? Switch legs or stand up. Don't let your body get bored.

2 - Deskercise, Anyone?

No, I'm not asking you to turn your office into a CrossFit gym unless you're into that, then by all means, flip those tyres. But small, simple stretches or movements can make a world of difference. Try some seated twists, neck rolls, or even a sneaky calf raise or two. Your co-workers might look at you funny, but hey, you're just ahead of the game.

3 - Stand, Sit, Repeat.

If you're at a standing desk alternate between standing and sitting throughout the day. Too much standing can be just as hard on your body as too much sitting. The goal is to stay fluid. Feeling energetic? Stand. Feeling tired? Sit. Feeling like you want to be extra fancy? Do a little dance between tasks. Keep your body guessing.

4 - Embrace the Floor Life

I know, I know - the floor? Really? But hear me out! Sitting on the floor got short periods, with pillow if you like encourages natural movement. You'll shift your weight, stretch your legs, and use muscles you forgot existed. Plus, it's a great excuse to break out a cozy rug and make your space feel a bit more zen. No one can slouch like they do in a chair when they're cross-legged on the floor.

5 - Use Different Chairs or Change Your Workspace.

Why settle for one throne when you can have many? Switch between different chairs (if you have them) or better yet, change your workspace throughout the day. Start the morning at your desk, move to the kitchen counter, take a call while pacing around, and maybe even spend an hour working from the couch (slouching totally allowed). Variety is the spice of life, and your muscles will thank you.

So, there you are - Keep Your Body Guessing

Remember, your body loves to move. The idea that there's some posture nirvana to attain is outdated - it's not about perfect alignment all day long, it's about moving, stretching, and keeping things fresh. So, the next time you catch yourself obsessing over your posture, ask yourself: What's my next move? Your body will know what to do.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to switch from standing to lying down. For, uh, science.


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